Monday, July 6, 2009

The Inconvenient Truth

Police won't rule out using psychics in murder inquiries

Article from: PerthNow

Nicole Cox, police reporter

July 04, 2009 06:00pm

WA Police chiefs have refused to issue a blanket ban on officers listening to psychics and using their information.

This is despite the police force's communications director describing mediums as ``hocus-pocus'' and stating ``no reputable policing agencies use psychics''.

Well...he may not realise it yet...but he has just insulted most of the worlds intelligence community, as the CIA, DIA, DOD, MI5, MI6, FBI and many others HAVE USED PSYCHICS in the past. The CIA has reseased 89.000 pages of information on the Star Gate program. The research and development of Remote Viewing (Controlled Psychic Functioning for Intelligence gathering) was a classified program for over 25 years! Only after some of the Remote Viewers went public the program was canceled and declassified under the pretext that it was not really useful as an intelligence tool. Mmmm...and they needed 25 years of research to establish that fact? Now isn't that interesting!

An exclusive report in the The Sunday Times last week revealed that detectives working on the Corryn Rayney murder investigation had approached psychic and author Debbie Malone for help in their hunt for the killer.

They contacted her in September 2008 when she was in Perth for a psychic roadshow.

Malone, one of Australia's most prominent psychics and spirit mediums, claimed to have made unexpected contact with Mrs Rayney a year after her murder. She has detailed the events in a book Never Alone: A Medium's Journey.

The Sunday Times' revelations were initially attacked by police communications chief Neil Stanbury.

In an email sent to The Sunday Times on Monday and circulated in the police force and media, he described the story as ``patently untrue'' and accused the newspaper of misleading its readers.

``Psychics have no credibility or scientific basis upon which to make their claims,'' Mr Stanbury said .

Again...there has not only been over 25 years of research and development documented and publicized by Russell Targ, Hall Puthoff, Ingo Swann, JoeMcMonEagle, Lyn Buchanan, Paul Smith, David Morehouse and many others!

``No reputable policing agencies use psychics or employ psychics, clairvoyants or other varieties of such people. Their claims of assisting police in solving major crimes are never substantiated.

Hahaha, I actually have a video of David Morehouse (US Military trained Remote Viewer) not only helping the Police in the US with a murder case using the controlled psychic technique called Remote Viewing, but also TEACH AN ENTIRE TEAM OF POLICE DETECTIVES HOW TO DO IT!

What psychics actually do is cause further misery to families and other victims of crime.''

That is ONLY once stated by a person who had a really bad experience and it is now blown out of proportions and every person who has no knowledge of psychic functioning starts to quote that expression of frustration!

But on Wednesday, police were forced to apologise when their own investigations revealed The Sunday Times report was completely accurate.

Well that is what they are there for...isn't it? To investigate...and get the facts straight! Not only that...It also shows that Debbie was telling the truth! It also shows that Police DO at times use psychics as a source of information, although their official policy is they do NOT.

Police admitted an officer involved in the Rayney investigation had approached Malone and they had been unaware of this until reading the newspaper.

Police also conceded they breached evidence handling protocols when Mrs Rayney's diary was handed to Malone for a spiritual channelling exercise.

Insp Paul Greenshaw, officer-in-charge of the Major Crime Squad, told The Sunday Times he was concerned Malone had been given hands-on access to Mrs Rayney's diary and conceded the two officers had not followed ``accepted practice'' in the handling of exhibits.

Insp Greenshaw said he had this week addressed his 44 officers to reiterate that contacting psychics, clairvoyants and other spiritual mediums was not an accepted practice for homicide investigations.

Well...I do not expect the WA Police to be as progressive as the international intelligence community, it would give some complications in a court of law, so for the sake of Public Relations and to avoid Legal Complications, let's just stick to the full denyablility of the use of psychics.

The detectives get all the credit and 'promoted' because psychics...DO NOT WORK FOR THE POLICE, nor do they provide any useful information. They simply do not exist and if they should...they are for entertainment purposes only!

That is what the public should believe! Psychics are nothing but an entertaining show!

He stopped short of saying the incident had embarrassed the WA Police force, instead describing the situation as ``unfortunate''.

Yes, well not as 'unfortunate' as the people who risk being ridiculed in public, while merely trying to assist! And not as 'unfortunate' as all those people that still need to be found on which the only new lead...may well come from a psychic or a Remote Viewer!

He said he had not been informed of the contact between his officers and Malone until he read the paper.

Isn't that what supervising police detectives should do? INVESTIGATE and be informed before uttering any accusations? But atleast he is as fair to admit to it and justice is done!

``(The contact) was recorded as per the practice, but I didn't know about it as the supervisor,'' Insp Greenshaw said.

``(Debbie Malone) wasn't permitted to open or read (the diary), but I believe she wanted to hold it ... It was in a plastic bag.

``It's not recognised as a good investigative practice to employ psychics,'' he said. ``But we won't turn anybody's information away. We accept information from anybody and we assess it against what the known facts are.''

The detective senior constable is no longer with the squad. He had been promoted, police said.

Promoted...after a slap on the wrist...Sure! Well atleast someone within the Police force has the nerves to explore other possibilities! I wonder has he been promoted to a place where the do not have to deal with the legal issues and everyone has to keep quiet?

Insp Greenshaw said he contacted the officer on Monday to give him ``guidance'' about the issue, but he was not formally disciplined.

``This is one individual that took it upon himself to do it and that's exactly what he did. He saw the program, saw the roadshow and decided to ring her,'' he said.

In her book, Malone said two detectives gave her Mrs Rayney's diary as an ``energy source'' and accompanied her to a track in Kings Park where the 44-year-old's body was recovered from a bush grave.

Insp Greenshaw said police would not apologise to Malone for their initial denials or request that the information be pulled from her book.

No, ofcourse they can not say; "I am terribly sorry Mrs. Malone, I was wrong and jumped to the conclusion based on our policy that the publication and your claim was false"...that would be so embarrasing!

It would be even more embarrasing if they found that the information provided by Debbie Malone was indeed correct and let's please not even ask about that!I guess we will never find out the truth even if it were it might be an INCONVENIENT TRUTH

For legal reasons, comments cannot be published on this matter.

It is a Democratic and free country isn't it? What ever happened to freedom of speech? Having a public dialog...and a constructive conversation?

Because I CAN envision...Australian police detectives working with trained psychics and detectives being trained in the development of their own psychic abilities...their gut feeling...their intuition...their nouse... It can not only assist in investigations...It CAN save lives at times!


So I will go back into hiding and help other police forces around the world with...psychic information on the cases they are working on. Mostly anonimous ofcourse, because if you do provide extremely detailed information you could not have possibly might get arrested and you do have a problem in some countries if you can not explain by any 'normal' (According to their culture's norm) means how you obtained that information!

As for the WA Police...well if they only had the time and the manpower to investigate the possible denyable use of psychics in police forces around the world, they would likely come to the conclusion that it could save them a lot of time and heaps of money in some cases and they would simply hire a private ....consultant.

Yet I can't help but smile...knowingly... ;-)


Anonymous said...

Way to go Psyforce!You sure have nerves to speak up like that! You are absolutely right...there is a lot the public has not been told!

Even those who should only look at the facts assume too much!

Love Mara

Spook1 said...

Hells Bells !

"he has just insulted most of the worlds intelligence community, as the CIA, DIA, DOD, MI5, MI6, FBI and many others HAVE USED PSYCHICS in the past. The CIA has reseased 89.000 pages of information on the Star Gate program. The research and development of Remote Viewing"

Sad to say the nanny state of WA has a LOT to learn from Agencies overseas, ones with a lot more knowledge than these clowns have.

I sure would like to know how much money they have spent on trying to find the Spiers girl, must be mega bucks !

As you say some LAW Enforcement officers in the US have been trained in Remote Viewing, pity they could not take a leaf out of their book. I hear on the grapevine that ASIO have actually employed Remote Viewing, perhaps he showed have a chat with them !

Well Done !

Spook 1

Anonymous said...

I recon the CSK will strike again soon. That came to me last night. And no not me either. I`m now drawn to the Henderson area marshes cum former lakes east of the suburb to Lake coolongup onto Baldivis marshes area. Who friggin knows. I did have a good look east side of lake Coolongup many years ago. Andy B.